Friday 22 August 2014


Shopcade is an app I've recently stumbled across and it seems like a really great way to keep track of what you have in your wardrobe. Since I've been on the look out for what items to add to my growing collection, I feel like it will really help me manage what I have and haven't got.
The app allows you to make lists and once you've made those lists, you can add (I'm guessing) any item available on internet shopping sites. Things I own, Things I love and Gifts I Want  are lists already set up. You simply have to search for an item and then, select which list you want to place it in. Eg. If I search for Asos Ridley Jeans, 101 results appear. I know it'll help me to budget and sort out what I really want to buy, from the things I like but don't want. Plus with all these sales going on, I don't wanna over spend, or impulse buy and regret it later.
There's more to it if you want to check it out!
Love Lauren x

Thursday 14 August 2014

I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day...

Hat- Peacocks
Lightweight coat- ASOS
Ripped jeans- ASOS
Slip on shoes- Topshop
Rings- Kerrlycoppers
I think the title says it all.
Love Lauren xx

Friday 1 August 2014

Go to Outfit - July 2014


Sunglasses- Urban Outfitters
Off Shoulder Top- New Look
Harem Pants- Next
Slip On Shoes- Topshop
Jewellery- KerrlyCoppers
When I tie my hair back in a bun and wear my black patent Dr. Martens, I feel like I'm  subconsciously channelling Lara Croft. Haha! xx