Thursday 27 February 2014

Mostly mum's clothes

Necklace - Mum's
Coat - Mum's
Jumper - Sainsbury's
Dress - Primark
Boots - Dr. Martens
Coat - H&M

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Playing in my Wardrobe #1

(Reminder: Need to iron trousers)
Pink Velvet Crop Top - River Island
White Linen Trousers - Charity Shop
Camouflage Jacket - ASOS Marketplace
Boots - Dr. Martens

Thursday 13 February 2014

January '14 Charity Finds

Polyester Shirt (First charity find!)
White linen trousers
 (Both of the above from Sue Ryder)
Brown Leather Jacket
(British Red Cross) 

Monday 10 February 2014

DIY Maxi-ish Skirt

 Whenever summer roles around I always think about going to the shops and buying a Maxi-skirt but somehow, I never actually manage to walk into the retailers, plunk a decent looking one off the rack and hand over the cash to the cashier.
So last month I was looking through my wardrobe and I noticed that this dress which I bought for my holiday to Jamaica two year ago was exactly what I was looking for. Even though I liked the dress the padding on the bra section had become distorted and it's next to impossible to go back once that happens. So I decided to take it apart and make it into a skirt.  
This was kind of my first time using a sewing machine and I'm sure by looking at the stitching, it's not that hard to believe. I managed to find some wide elastic in my mum's bag and decided to use it. After my first few attempts I could feel my blood pressure rising because I had to keep stopping to redo the whole thing again and again. By the time I understood what I was doing wrong I was so frustrated that I rushed it and didn't care what it looked like. I just wanted the elastic attached to the fabric. This resulted in a lot of bunching and it didn't flow properly once I put it on.
So a few days later I decided to take out the stitches and start again. It worked out a lot better so that's why there are two rows of stitches. It looks messy but it's not visible so it's fine.
(Close up on how the stitching looks from the outside)
(Final look)
(Back & Front)
(Not a tutorial)

Thursday 6 February 2014

Rebuilding my Wardrobe

My style over the years has changed. A lot. I used to only wear blue jeans and a t-shirt. That was the extent of my styling options. Now, I want a lot more versatility to my outfits but my wardrobe is still a reflection of my old style. The way that I want to dress, while not unattainable, seemed like it would take a lot of money, which frankly I don’t have. I have a few of what I guess people would call “the basics” the white tees, jeans, boots etc. but I’ve realised that what I need to do now is find those “statement pieces.” So that’s what I’m going to do. This is just a little project I’ve set for myself this year.

Saturday 1 February 2014

The I don't know girl

I don't know. Three simple words. Last year, I came to realise that I don't know seems to be my answer for everything. 
"What film do you wanna see?" "I don't know."
"What'd you want for dinner?" "I don't know."
"What do we need from the shop?" "I don't know."
Well, I've decided that this year, I'm going to figure it out. I mean, how am I ever going to know what I want to with my life if I can't even decide what topping I want on my pizza. I don't know is going to be on my swear jar...
                                                                                           yes it's that serious.